It started great. People talking, chatting, being merry, and happy. Information was flowing, and people are getting to know one another. It was a great day.
G is for Good, when everything falls in place.
G is for Great, when you are feeling awesome.
G is for God, when you see miracles at work.
G is for Grace, when you feel forgiving and kind.
Like any other time, a small group was formed. A group of like minded people, or so I hoped. A group of people that like each other, that sets to do more for one another and to those that they yet to embrace in their own circle. A promise of hope. It was a great day.
G is for Group, when you feel included and accepted.
G is for Guidance, when you feel inspired and mentored.
G is for Gallant, when you feel knightly and heroic.
G is for Gay, when you are happy in general.
As one would expect, it won't always be merriment and fun. There will be friction, there will be arguments. So rules were set, expectations were made, and one by one, the defenses of the people in the group, joined by their common likeness for one another, fell. It was a sad day.
G is for Gauche, when you showed your true self.
G is for Gratuitous, when you do things you do not want.
G is for Gambling, when you put everything in the line.
G is for Gruesome, when the situation turns from bad to ugly.
Smaller circles formed within the small circle. Talking behind someone's back became the norm. And the reasons and likeness for one another, were all but forgotten. Tensions occurred, and the group closed their circle from those others hoping against hope to be part of something revolutionary. It was indeed, a grave day.
G is for Grave, when there's nothing you can do about it.
G is for Grievance, when you feel sad and alone.
G is for Goodbye, when you're leaving everything behind.
G is for Gone, when there's no turning back.
"...and so we go, to another place, another time. A place where we are safe, a place where we are fine. We will definitely miss those who let in our hearts, those who we gave our love, those who we gave our trust. But there is no turning back... there's no turning back."