Monday, January 20, 2014

The Man Behind The Blog

The Bioman

I'm Red One. A natural born leader. People look up to me. I'm Green Two. I'm afraid of responsibility. I'm Blue Three. Neither a boy or a man but a complete recipe for disaster. I'm Yellow Four. I challenge authority but I never step up to own my mistakes. I'm Pink Five. I'm fabulous and I know it.

The Batman

I'm not Bruce Wayne. I'm not rich but I do play around. I used to be the king of the hill but those were the days of my past. I'm no longer as agile or limber as before but I have stayed just as dark and troubled. A knight in all aspect of pride with a soul as dark as the starless night.

The Ironman

A self proclaimed super hero that is just one lab accident away from being a super villain. An egotistic, borderline insane, half intelligent, half smart, can be seen kissing his own ass, frustrated inventor, that has a prolific sense of humor.

The Man Boy Drama King

I have stashed skeletons in my closet and it's getting crowded with me in there. I squandered and spoiled opportunities. I gambled and lost. I hurt those who tried to help me. I dreamed, loved, laughed, danced, ran, and is stll running from the truth. I'm hopeless. It can't be helped. I am me.


I posted this here once more because I don't believe that people can change. These descriptions summarize who I am as a person, albeit more hopeful now. This is who I am.Accept me for who I am. I can't change. I am me.


  1. Ang weird lang; I want to know more about you. Nakaka-curious talaga ang personality mo... *hmmm*

  2. Hahaha napangiti mo naman ako sa comment mo Sef :D
